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Design Update - June 2017

Limerick City and County Council in consultation with Transport Infrastructure Ireland are working to progress the Foynes to Limerick Road Improvement Scheme.


A provisional 100m wide corridor within which the final road alignment for this scheme was likely to be developed was published in September 2016. Provisional junction locations were also identified at Foynes, Ballyclogh, Askeaton, Rathkeale and Adare.

Subsequently, a study was undertaken to assess the need for an additional junction between Rathkeale and Adare. In March 2017 two further corridor options (pink and green), between Blossomhill (Rathkeale) and Ballycannon (Croagh), were published for consideration together with the provisional 100m corridor (blue) at this location.


Further design work, environmental and surveying activities along with ground investigations have been progressed along the entire route of the proposed Foynes to Limerick Road Improvement Scheme since September 2016. A provisional 80m wide corridor has now been identified and provisional junction layouts have been developed.


The Rathkeale to Adare Junction Study indicates a slightly positive benefit from the provision of a Junction. Two potential locations for this junction, Option A (West of Croagh) or Option B (East of Croagh), are included.  The final location of the Croagh Junction will be decided following detailed design / assessment and consultation with interested parties.


Following detailed study, the Green Option has been selected as the preferred option between Blossomhill (Rathkeale) and Ballycannon (Croagh). Provisional arrangements (including bridge arrangements) have also been identified for local roads.


The provisional 80m wide corridor lies predominantly within the provisional 100m wide corridor.  However, it diverges at a number of locations following further detailed consideration and design development.​ Drawings showing the provisional 80m wide corridor, junction layouts and potential locations for Croagh Junction etc. are now available for viewing at the Mid West National Road Design Office and available for download below.


The Provisional 80m Corridor and Provisional Junction Locations are indicative and may be subject to change during the design development process. Further work will now proceed on the design development including the identification of all lands necessary to construct this Scheme. Additional lands will be required for a Service Area, Drainage/Flooding issues, Access roads and due to severance etc.  Work will also continue on the Environmental Impact Assessment as part of the planning process for this Scheme.


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